Black History Month 2021 – Proud to be

You will be well aware that the theme for Black History Month 2021 is “Proud to be…” and in recent weeks students and staff in your schools will have been addressing the theme in different ways.

Catherine Ross, Editor at Black History Month UK, explained this year’s theme:

“It’s been a challenging time for many Black and Brown people, with so much in the media about racism, inequality and injustice. We wanted the theme of Black History Month 2021 to focus on celebrating being Black or Brown, and to inspire and share the pride people have in their heritage and culture – in their own way, in their own words.”

Fighting for deep social justice

Whatever the education, activity and events you have planned for this month in your schools the Black History Month mission challenges us all to:

“Dig deeper, look closer, think bigger.”

Particularly over the last 18 months, in schools across the country, teachers and leaders will have been engaged in discussions agreeing how important it is to ensure that BHM learning, activity and celebration is not seen as a bolt on but rather extends beyond the month of October and becomes an integral to our diverse, inclusive curriculum. When we talk about the real curriculum at SSAT we refer to it as the entirety of our students’ experience. Everything that we plan for them, in lessons, out of lessons
and outside school hours contributes to our curriculum offer.

In this edition of Sunday Supplement we are sharing with you what schools in the network are offering in their school communities this month and continuing to build on in the months ahead. As SSAT Director Angelina Idun said in her article “Where do we go from here?”, ongoing “sharing of strategies, stories, and resources will fuel our purpose and sharpen our focus as we keep the spotlight on our race equality work”.

Black History Month at some of our member schools:

Davenant Foundation School

Riverside School, Barking

Please continue to send us your stories, insights that come out of the work you are doing in relation to this agenda and what comes out of celebration and discussion and activity this month of what members of your school community are proud to be.

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