SFCA announce new chief executive

College of Teaching Founding TrusteesBill-Watkin-final

SSAT’s Bill Watkin new chief executive Sixth Form Colleges’ Association

Bill Watkin, who is currently SSAT’s Director of Policy and Public Affairs, will be taking up a new appointment after the Easter holidays as Chief Executive of the Sixth Form Colleges Association. Bill has been at SSAT for almost 10 years and we wish him very well in his new post.

Chief Executive Sue Williamson said: “Bill has been a passionate advocate for educational excellence and social justice over the years, and many of you will know of him for his work on the academies programme since its very early years, and more recently on policy changes, particularly in the context of curriculum, assessment and accountability.

“Bill has worked closely with schools across the country, supporting leaders, governors, sponsors, and operators. Bill has also had a national media profile and has often spoken and written on behalf of schools to ensure that their work is properly recognised, appreciated and celebrated.’

Bill said: “My time at SSAT has been immensely rewarding and I am deeply grateful to all my colleagues here, and to all those working with and in schools, who have shown me so much warmth on so many occasions.

“SSAT has been, and will continue to be, the hub for schools, as they work together to lead system-wide improvements and ensure that their students have the very best learning experiences.

“I remain deeply committed to working with young people and those responsible for their education and I look forward to developing a successful relationship between SSAT and the Sixth Form Colleges Association.”

We wish Bill every success in his new appointment.


Congratulate Bill on his new appointment on Twitter.

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