The learners…on developing technical skills
By building an aeroplane, students at North East Wolverhampton Academy have developed more than just STEM skills. Read more about a fascinating project.
By building an aeroplane, students at North East Wolverhampton Academy have developed more than just STEM skills. Read more about a fascinating project.
Jessica Nash, Head of Special Schools Network and SEN, highlights how the revised SEND Code needs to be aligned with wider school performance guidance.
This SSAT case study details an approach to defining and monitoring student progress that saw a 23 percentage point increase in the number of students making three levels of progress, from 34% in 2011 to 57% in 2013. The project
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Sue Williamson, Chief Executive SSAT, writes… SSAT would like to congratulate Nicky Morgan on her appointment as secretary of state for education in yesterday’s reshuffle. We hope that over the coming weeks and into the new academic year, Nicky engages
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Lou Iles, head of science at Weydon School, Surrey, talks about her presentation at the forthcoming Achievement Show. In 2001, science was the lowest performing department at Weydon School, in Farnham, Surrey, with GCSE results of 56% A*-C passes. A
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Liz Harley-Easthope, director of English at Cheslyn Hay Sport and Community High School, Staffordshire, talks about her presentation at the forthcoming Achievement Show. Cheslyn Hay’s English results have been well above national averages for the last three years, at both
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Ahead of this year’s SSAT Achievement Show (26 June 2014), this SecEd supplement describes some of the innovative practices that have led five SSAT Leading Edge schools to become outstanding. The case studies cover a range of crucial areas, including
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Professor Dylan Wiliam introduces his forthcoming pamphlet, to help schools design their own assessment systems… The premise of my forthcoming publication – Redesigning Schooling – 8: Principled assessment design – is that any assessment system should be designed to support
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… but he has changed the emphasis of exams; does it really matter? Tom Middlehurst, Head of Research SSAT writes … Hopefully we all now know that the Secretary of State has neither banned the teaching of American texts in
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Many schools across the country are already using global learning as a way to support wider school development. Sir John Lawes is just one of many now also participating in the Global Learning Programme for England (GLP). The GLP is
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