Collaboration to improve year 6/7 transition
Emily Robinson, year 7 leader, Simon Balle All-Through School, describes their approach to liaison with SLT, parents, year 7 tutor team, students and other schools.
Emily Robinson, year 7 leader, Simon Balle All-Through School, describes their approach to liaison with SLT, parents, year 7 tutor team, students and other schools.
Henri Yeoman (née Plag), head of maths at Thornaby Academy and SSAT Lead Practitioner writes.
– even though we have more constraints than those in the USA, writes Emma Smith, principal, Leigh Academy Blackheath, part of the Leigh Academies Trust.
Alison Bellwood, director of the World’s Largest Lesson, Project Everyone, exhorts teachers and school leaders to introduce the United Nations’ sustainable development goals in their school.
SSAT Leadership Legacy Fellow Dayne Meakin and PE teacher, Bishop Walsh Catholic School writes.
Jules White, head of Tanbridge House School, adds his support to the June 2018 Headteachers’ Roundtable blog; and conclusions from a recent Arcadis/SSAT report offer schools some suggestions for coping in the meantime.
SSAT Aspirations Show workshop July 2018 report.
Rob Jones, science teacher and SSAT Leadership Legacy Fellow, All Hallows Catholic College, extols the value of more productive methods of marking including photographic, audio and video feedback.
Steve Lee, Sutton Community Academy, describes their overhaul of the process, which made access easier for both students and staff, and has boosted completion by removing the possible excuses.
Lead practitioner Abby Chivers, assistant principal in charge of teaching and learning and CPD and assessment, Bristnall Hall Academy, identifies the key element of her role.