Reading time: 2 minutes. Relevant programme: SSAT Aspirations Show 2018
Will Wood, project manager at SSAT, writes about boosting students’ aspirations
This year, SSAT launched its inaugural student event, the Aspirations Show, on 6 July. The aim of this conference was to raise aspirations, boost creativity and make a meaningful impact to inspire the attendees for the future. Importantly, we wanted to encourage students to take back to their schools the key points that they have learned. SSAT has the interests of all young people at heart, and achieves this by bringing schools together in meaningful ways.
The event was built around six key themes, which were identified from SSAT’s work with students and their teachers:
- Mastering a subject
- Appreciating culture
- Unleashing creativity
- Utilising technology
- Thinking like an entrepreneur
- Leading change.
Sessions throughout the day drew on these themes to help shape students’ aspirations.
Some remarkable and inspirational people gave up their time to share their own stories and unique journeys with the students. The audience heard some of the big challenges that the speakers had faced and the methods that they used to overcome them. They the students a wealth of practical advice and solutions to take away and apply to the students’ and their broader lives, and beyond, whether this be to university, apprenticeships or employment.
The day was split into main-stage sessions for all the students, and interactive workshops, where they split into groups to follow their particular interests. These sessions also gave opportunities for a variety of stimulating activities. Students were encouraged throughout the day to take the opportunity to ask any questions to support their self-development.
Each mainstage session gave students key takeaway points, such as how to build confidence and resilience, to benefit their education and future lives. During the final session, two lucky students were successfully coached in front of a whole audience to build on their confidence.
Students took part in interactive sessions based on the speakers’ different industries. Students heard about the industry and then engaged in relevant activities to bolster their understanding. For more information regarding the session overviews, please visit here!
Students who attended the Aspirations Show also received an SSAT student passport enabling them to record a huge range of life experiences beyond the academic.
We look forward to the next academic year and hope to work with your students!
Have a lovely summer break.
Plans are well underway for an SSAT Aspirations Show 2019. To express an interest in next year, please get in touch with us at
Read on the SSAT blog: Five tips to ensure your students don’t get stressed and perform well this exam season
Will Wood, SSAT