
EFA: How to get organised in those early months

So, here we are: deep in Workshop 4 and trialling ways to make the EFA programme not just a programme but an adaptable programme that empowers staff and pushes people to move out of their comfort zones – not an easy task, I must say.

Countering extreme views

How should schools respond when faced with extreme views from pupils and parents? When views are expressed which go against the values of the school and make other members of the community feel unsafe, what should be done? This week, a group of school leaders met at Thomas Estley Community School to share experiences and ideas, in an event hosted by our partner organisation Life Lessons.

Lead Practitioner accreditation as a milestone of achievement

Adele Hawksworth is King’s Academy Bay House’s Librarian and SSAT Lead Practitioner. Adele has a proven record of impact in promoting reading for pleasure, reading across the curriculum, reading support and in facilitating best practices in research, with an emphasis on coordinating support staff teams in driving impact across the curriculum both within school and across the region.

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