SSAT’s work set up a clear and useful measure of value added in education
Schools want the capacity to understand how well they contribute to their pupils’ progress and attainment, and the confidence to improve it.
Schools want the capacity to understand how well they contribute to their pupils’ progress and attainment, and the confidence to improve it.
Alex Galvin, SSAT Senior Education Lead, writes… Back when I started teaching, assessment was pretty straightforward. Pieces of work were marked A-E and we recorded marks for certain extended pieces of work in a blue folder in the history work
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Alex Galvin, SSAT Senior Education Lead, writes… The team at SSAT are in the privileged position of visiting a large number of schools every year. We know that despite the very real challenges that schools are currently facing, day in
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Anne-Marie Duguid, SSAT Director of Education, writes… Now that’s over, no doubt the circular debates about education will continue, whatever the ‘winning’ manifesto proclaimed… the buzz words, the clichés, the bandwagons, the current panacea to get quick results… I’ve seen
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Despite the hung parliament, there are some clear messages from those in education, Sue Williamson, SSAT Chief Executive, points out… Another election and another surprise result. I am listening to political pundits analysing the situation and speculating on what happens
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A 3-stage approach can help, says life coach Hari Kalymnios
Distinctive concerns and actions for a growing MAT
25 things we’d like to see in a new government
Promoting and enhancing global learning
Former teacher and SSAT editor Peter Chambers trawls through his personal and professional past to pick out the brief conversations that stick with you, often because they signal major change… You know how there are things people have said to
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