What to make of the pay review
Tom Middlehurst, Head of Policy and Public Affairs writes.
Tom Middlehurst, Head of Policy and Public Affairs writes.
Will Wood, project manager at SSAT, writes about boosting students’ aspirations.
SSAT staff celebrate what they are proud of doing this year, together making a difference for the life changes of young people.
Friday 13 July 2018 – the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) release evaluation reports which show Embedding Formative Assessment (EFA) increases students’ progress by two additional months over a school year.
Corinne Settle was deeply affected by seeing prisoners’ responses to educational opportunities.
Steve Lee, Sutton Community Academy, describes their overhaul of the process, which made access easier for both students and staff, and has boosted completion by removing the possible excuses.
Lead practitioner Abby Chivers, assistant principal in charge of teaching and learning and CPD and assessment, Bristnall Hall Academy, identifies the key element of her role.
Clare Taylor, EFA Lead, Helsby High School, describes key features, including staff enjoyment through teacher-centred development, and student involvement in success criteria.
Helsby High School teachers and school leaders share their experience of embedding formative assessment through the two-year teacher learning communities (TLCs) programme, authored by Dylan Wiliam.
Sarah Sawyerr, assistant headteacher, Ricards Lodge High School, explains how their initiatives have included students running training sessions for educational and health care professionals, and primary pupils.