
What are the key priorities for primary teachers and leaders?

With now under a week to go until the General Election, I read with interest the outcome of the National Foundation for Educational Research’s recent Teacher Voice Omnibus Survey where they asked teachers and leaders which education issues were most important to them in the lead up to the election.

Is behaviour really good in your school?

Why is it that research carried out by SSAT reveals that only 1.6% of all schools and pre-16 educational provisions receive an inspection 5 Ofsted judgement comment that states “Pupil behaviour and conduct is problematic” when the DfE national behaviour survey stated that 73% teachers said “Pupil misbehaviour had had a negative impact on their health and wellbeing in the past week,” and “76% teachers and pupils reported that misbehaviour had interrupted their work in at least some lessons in the previous week.”

We know that the SEND figures are rising year on year

We know that the SEND figures are rising year on year. We know that we will have a legacy of poor mental health resulting from the pandemic for years to come. We know that most LA’s high-needs budgets are overspent. We know that specialist provision and specialist services are at breaking point.

Qualifications for all?

As we approach the General Election, little has been said by either of the major parties about what will happen to qualifications if they are elected. This is despite the curriculum and qualifications framework having been in place for at least 10 years.

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