
So… the honeymoon period is over? Now what?

Thirty eager faces, hands shooting up in the sky as soon as you ask a question, soon makes way for smirking furtive glances around the classroom, rocking back on two legs of the chair, and volunteering a reluctant answer only when asked directly! So how do we maintain the eagerness, the love of learning, and the hunger to answer questions and still look cool?

Implementation matters

Implementation matters. Even the greatest idea remains only an idea until it is successfully implemented. Effective implementation is the cornerstone of all meaningful and sustainable change in education, whether your focus is classroom, curriculum or culture.

Imagine your classroom

Within this learning space, there is a hugely diverse group of young people from all different walks of life. You have around thirty pupils for a lesson and you have to teach a complex concept.

Race, equality, and inclusion

Race, equality, and inclusion

As we begin a new term, our hearts go out to the families affected by the tragic loss of young lives in Southport this summer. We can only imagine the profound pain this has caused each family. Our thoughts and support are with them and their wider communities, as they come together in this immense grief. 

Labouring to Love Headship?

On Thursday 18 July 2024, SSAT will be publishing the findings from a survey of 236 serving and former headteachers who, between them have almost 2,000 years of headship experience. The survey questions drew from 26 reports into headteacher retention published since 2017.

“Change begins now”

Sir Keir Starmer’s opening words when addressing his Labour team. The electorate voted out 12 cabinet ministers, including a former prime minister and the education secretary.

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