
Black History Month resources

Throughout Black History Month in October we signposted events, resources and activities for your school community to refer to and use to shine the spotlight on the contributions of black people and our shared history.

Global connections

400 women leaders, 30 networks, 19 countries and one weekend. On 2-4th October 2020, WomenEd held its first global unconference, a shining example of a positive development in Covid-19 times!

Remote Education Support

Read this summary of relevant policy, research and reports from Patrick Watson, Managing Director of Montrose Public Affairs Consultants Ltd.

#TalkTuesday – Instagram as a wellbeing tool for schools

Kiran Malik, social media manager at Falinge Park High School in Rochdale has recently graduated from SSAT’s Leadership Legacy Project. In this blog piece Kiran and her colleague Fozia Najib, mental health lead, write about the focus of Kiran’s Think Piece on how Instagram is being used as a wellbeing tool at the school.

ASSIST - Aiding and Supporting Strategic Improvement for School Transformation

NEW fully customisable programme for school leaders gives schools and colleges five days of support for strategic improvement. Offers a sustained, focused and objective contribution from an experienced headteacher to enhance your capacity in enacting change.