
Lead Practitioner: Creating agents of change

What is an SSAT Lead Practitioner? What do they do? Ultimately, everything an LP does can and should enhance the daily lived experience of learners in their school and beyond, but just as important (particularly at this time of a crisis in teacher retention) it enhances the daily lived experience of colleagues, raising morale and fulfilling our moral purpose in education.

SSAT Women in Leadership and Education

Thank you to everyone who joined us for SSAT’s Women in Leadership and Education event on 4 May. The contributions of all our speakers and participants made for a powerful, thought provoking and truly inspirational day.

Women in Leadership in Education

Leadership progression in education is not a level playing field. Whether deliberately or unwittingly, women, and particularly women from ethnic minorities are frequently disadvantaged.

How coaching can help us in our schools

It continues to be a pleasure to have conversations with teachers and leaders, about how coaching is being approached in their schools, and how they are planning to develop this aspect of their work, to more greatly benefit staff and students.

7 tips to help secondary schools diversify the curriculum

For years and years, the secondary curriculum in the UK has suffered criticism for being lacking in representation of the UK’s population today. According to Demie and Harris (2019, 2020), “the British school curriculum focuses on British culture and history and ignores ethnic minorities in the curriculum”.

The Hayling College: An EFA Case Study

The Embedding Formative Assessment programme is a priority at The Hayling College – for classroom practice, CPD, staff wellbeing and autonomy, and reducing workload…

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