
Website update

Seven weeks has passed since the launch of the new SSAT website, and it is still very much a work in progress. We’ve several updates that are ready to be activated but before we push the button, it’s important we
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A Leading Edge letter to The Rt Hon Michael Gove MP

Stephen Munday, Executive Headteacher, Comberton Academy Trust writes O/b SSAT Leading Edge Headteachers’ Steering Group… Dear Secretary of State I am writing on behalf of the Leading Edge programme, which represents almost 300 high-performing secondary schools and academies, to express concern at
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Inspiration from Last Night of the Proms

Sue Williamson, SSAT CEO, writes… ‘…there can still be firsts for women in 2013.’ These are the words of Marin Alsop, the first female conductor of the Last Night of the Proms. In an inspirational speech, she expressed her surprise
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SSAT Primary Network response to DfE consultation

SSAT’s Primary Network members met on Wednesday 25 September 2013 to discuss, debate and formulate a response on behalf of the network to the Department for Education’s consultation Primary Assessment and Accountability under the new Curriculum. The consultation and the
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School leaders see the value in early entry

Bill Watkin, SSAT Operational Director, writes… The announcement by the Secretary of State on Sunday has reignited the debate about early and multiple exam entry strategies and the accountability framework. Although the consultation about school accountability closed in May, the
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An SSAT update

Two in eleven months, and then three in two days – fire alarms at Central House, Islington in the second week of September. That isn’t including the three false alarms that were heard throughout the following week by the early
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Pamphlet 1 – Why change is needed

Throughout this week, Sue Williamson’s Redesigning Schooling pamphlet – Why change is needed – will be arriving in SSAT member schools. Sue’s pamphlet is the first of nine editions that will be published over the coming months, culminating with What the new
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Don’t mention the Cold War

Sue Williamson, SSAT CEO, writes… A few years ago my partner, John, and I were on a long weekend break in St Petersburg. To our surprise, the travel company gave us a driver and tour guide to show us the
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