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Deep Learning for Social Justice
This pamphlet sets out to explain what SSAT means by the term deep learning for social justice; in doing so, we hope to provide opportunities for schools to reflect on where they are, what they do towards achieving deep social justice, and how learning is inextricably connected to this agenda.
Social justice expresses a belief that all young people can succeed and enjoy fulfilling lives. The current binary system of pass or fail in the assessment of young people is at odds with this mission. We are not arguing against assessment: there must be systems of checks and balances and accountability. We are arguing against the mindless collection of data; the ridiculous increases in workload through too-frequent assessments and their subsequent data drops; and a primary and in some cases sole focus on the attainment of young people.
Deep learning for social justice means meeting the needs of learners fully, accepting that they have different starting points, but not accepting low expectations.
The pamphlet’s four themes are:
- numeracy and literacy of both spoken and written word
- metacognition
- self-determination
- formative assessment.
Along the way, the pamphlet unpicks how student leadership, powerful knowledge and mastery provide the vehicle for deep learning curricula. We highlight what theory looks like in practice, and how deep learning can enable young people to succeed in their education and careers and thereby achieve social justice for themselves.
And hopefully, recognise it as important and seek to implement it in their lives.
“Deep Learning for Social Justice” is a publication by SSAT (Schools, Students, and Teachers Network), an organisation dedicated to improving outcomes for young people. With a focus on school improvement and innovation, SSAT collaborates with schools and academies in the UK and internationally.
Recommended reading
Deep Learning for Social Justice – Case studies
Case studies from schools supplement Deep Learning for Social Justice pamphlet, showcasing efforts to attain social justice through Embedding Formative Assessment, teacher training, and resolving local issues.
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